This is my favorite plant... when you touch it, it closes and looks dead. And about 20 minutes later it opens back up.

My favorite season is fall. I like the colors, and the sounds. It's the best time of the year to be outside because it's the perfect temperature for jogging outside and it's the perfect time to start wearing sweaters. (And my birthday is in the fall).

And naturally that leads to cashmere, which is my favorite to wear because it is only the softest.

My favorite National Park is Glacier National Park in Montana. I loved hiking there and I loved seeing all the goats there.

One of the places I would love to go is to see the Redwoods in California. So I suppose it isn't yet one of my favorite places... I can say that it is the best use of photomontage I've seen.

Peter Zumthor's Thermal Baths in Vals, Switzerland is a place that I have been and definitely one of my favorites. I love the materials, the scenery and it's baths, everyone loves baths.

Another one of my favorite places to go is to the library. This library is at Mackintosh's Glasgow School of Art. It was also one of my favorite surprises while I was studying abroad, I really wasn't a huge Mackintosh fan before I saw this.

This leads me to my favorite (children's) book. I really like blueberries.
I LOVE the sound of music!